Carmela Laganse’s practice is engaged with the intersections of embodied experience and perception as well as exploring the agency and ideologies embedded in objects. Her work explores the effects of colonialism and examines how it contributes to material culture and identity. Working in a variety of media, she often builds interactive work or portable, modular environments that playfully and critically integrate physical, emotional, ritualistic, and intellectual processes through an intersectional lens.
Included in her multidisciplinary art practice is her research and involvement in collaborations centred around the under-representation of marginalized people and anti-oppression practice. She is a co-founder of the NEW Committee at the Hamilton Artists Inc. and is a co-investigator/ researcher on a project titled “Direct[Message]” to develop a digital prototype that improves online access and social engagement for older adults through creative activity and participation. She has partnered with Centre[3] for Artistic and Social Practice on various community centred collaborations including the creation of video tutorials to improve digital literacy for older adults funded by New Horizons for Seniors and co-coordinated the Reception funded by the Canada Council for the Arts which was a two- day forum that aimed to help decolonize arts institutions through community-building, advocacy, and socially engaged art events and workshops.
Laganse received an MFA from Ohio University and a BFA from the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg and is an Associate Professor in the School of the Arts at McMaster University. She has exhibited nationally and internationally since 2005. Recent exhibitions include Hamilton Now, Object at the Art Gallery of Hamilton and Spread at the Art Gallery of Guelph, ON
Latest from Prof. Carmela Alfaro-Laganse

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Two McMaster researchers receive funding through Race, Gender and Diversity Initiative
# Front Page, Happening at Pulse, People, Prof. Carmela Laganse